Friday, October 23, 2009


If you don't know the story already.... Magic Johnson (former NBA player for the Los Angeles Lakers) and Isiah Thomas ( former NBA player for the Detroit Pistons) have been fighting due to the fact that Magic wrote in his book that Isiah was saying that Magic got HIV from a GAY GUY when he was diagnosed with HIV in 1991. Magic and Isiah close friends throughout their careers, two dudes who kissed on the cheek as a friendly gesture, why the hell would you go around asking is your best friend GAY. That's some F**ked up s**
Magic had every right to expose that fake homie to the WORLD in his book.
Of course Isiah tried to say some soft shit about his family problems.....about his brother having the same disease, sorry for you but you don't go around spreading things that your friend is gay. Then the story continues by bringing up why Isiah is crying about why he didn't make the Olympic team in 1992. Magic basically said that nobody was to blame for him not playing but himself, NOBODY wanted to play with him and he blamed MICHEAL JORDAN all these year boohoo get a tissue u phoney.....i think Isiah was getting jealous honestly.
On the other hand im a little curious because if Magic knew all these years what Isiah was spreading, why continue to be friends with him. This news could just be for Magic's new book " When the game was Ours" to sell more copies. If I knew someone was spreading something around that wasn't true about me WE GOT PROBLEMS. Not Even Isiah knew bout according to his statement which stated that " I'm really hurt and I really feel taken advantage of all these years. I'm totally blindsided by this. Every time I've seen Magic he has been friendly with me. We would go out to dinner in New York. I didn't know he felt this way." That's what Thomas said to about the whole scandal. On the other hand Magic if you are using this to make the book hot and make more money, you are a smart man.......Exploit the Hater and make your money brother..
If you tryna see the video click this link, and you can see the story for yourself.

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