Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chris Breezy!!!!!!!!! Is he back on America's good or BAD side?

Chris brown as we all know has been through it all for the assault on his Ex- girlfriend Rhianna. his been on many talk shows discussing the incident of the night, one show especially that many people tuned into was the OPRAH show. Now finally Chris Brown looks like he's making his way back into the music game...........Is it tooo Early for him to be making this come back? I think not! I know there are still many people who feel hatred towards Chris, but don't you think he's been through enough already? All of these interviews discussing about the night of the problem, making him look like he killed someone or something...I'm just saying now that Chris got a couples new songs and is going to perform Live at the POWERHOUSE concert does this mean we forgive forget and just start loving his music again? I could say that before the whole scandal happened I bump Chris brown in my car, and just because he hit Rhianna doesn't mean imma stop listening to his music. i think we should give the guy a break and let him do what he loves to do which is in entertain his fans. Chris is already picking up garbage why are we still making him feel like garbage. I think this was a perfect time for him to come back especially with the line-up he has at the powerhouse he can't fail headlining the whole event, that was a smart marketing strategy.

1 comment:

  1. I don't consider CB putting out music now a comeback.. His last album came out last summer?? (The re-release of Exclusive the Forever edition) So the time between is pretty much average in my eyes. Yes, he went through hell for the domestic violence incident, but it's happened before to others in the music business, and much worse. Now had Shyne not been deported and started making music, that could be considered a "comeback" but CB never left the publics eye since his last album. All that happened was cancelled shows. 5 yrs without Chris Brown, not seeing, nor hearing from or about him and then him popping back up into music is a comeback...
    Mase made a comeback.. this is just regular to me..



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