Thursday, December 17, 2009


Vybes Kartel and Movado! Two big reggae artist have been at war for a while now. Recently they have ended their war. When people talk about how music doesn't have an affect on peoples actions, but in this case yes it does. In jamaica these two have been responsible for many deaths with there gangs called the GAZA&GULLY. i have listened to their music in parties at home and theiir words are all talking about shooting people acting out violent things. The Jamaican government is very pleased because while this war was going on they had no control on what was going on, and they were running out of solutions.
Now because their at peace their should be a decrease in crime and murder in Jamaica. It is just crazy how music created a war between two people and grew two involving lives of innocent people. if this didn't end now then it would have ended up just like Biggie and Tupac both artist would have ended up DEAD.
Now their songs are gonna be mostly about partying, cars, girls, and Drugs. thats what the people want to here so they gotta do it. To see the two artist shake hands and end the beef watch the video.


Facebook! facebook to me is a spot where i talk to my friends , talk to new people. It's part of my daily routine when i go on to a computer, but facebook aint what it use to be. Now with all of these neww updates, they have created a site where the world can find out who you are with a click of a button.
facebook puts sooo many dudes in the dog house because their girlfriends bestfriend tagged you in a picture with another girl. Another thing that i dont like is that if i wanted a great job, and i had a picture of me with y friends with beers in my hands on facebook, these corporations can look up my account and check my facebook. I thought only if i accepted a request then you can see my profile? I dont think the place wherre i thought was private isn't so private anymore..
Recently Mark Zuckerberg and his facebook crew thought of something that they thought would make facebook more Private. This is a little piece of what he wrote "We're adding something that many of you have asked for — the ability to control who sees each individual piece of content you create or upload. In addition, we'll also be fulfilling a request made by many of you to make the privacy settings page simpler by combining some settings."
Hopefully I could feel comfortable when i add a picture of my wild nights out WASTED!!!!!!!! If you want to read up more on the changes being made to Facebook then click this link.WAVE WARP

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Tiger Woods one of the best pro golf players that we all know. We have all asked the same question is he black or Asian. Well after this whole scandal now people are saying theirs no doubt he is black now. i use to think Tiger Woods was the most innocent person in this world, but even he proved me wrong. he had about ten girls he was having sex with on the side. The media played a big role in this whole problem because the took it to the next level, finding new girls everyday, searching into the mans private life.
i think everybody should leave him alone. this stuff happens all the time and i don't see everyone else's business on national television. this is messing up this mans family and all everyone cares about it finding more dirt......I don't see that he did anything wrong, what he slept with a couple of women so what, his wife probably cheated to.
This bad image of tiger has cost him some of his endorsements, this shows that when the times go bad companies only worry about their sales and not there spokesperson. I Hope the man gets his family back but my advice is that he has money to do anything, i know that it can't buy love but if she doesn't want you any more......dude move on you have a career that's going great before this whole crap.


I know this is a little off topic of all the things that I've posted, but i Had to make it known how i feel about the Nook! i know this little piece of technology has thousands of books you can access, but will it take over? i think not because like all technology something goes wrong and we cannot rely on something that survives on a battery. of course its going to start a buzz because their advertisements are great i almost fell into the trap.
The old fashion book you can open and read for as long as you want to, but with this nook once your battery dies then its time for you to stop reading. I've been against this whole Nook idea because i consider myself old fashion. i know that i can go to a library and take out a book for class or just to read without paying for it. with the nook you have to buy all your books that they provide. i mean are we really turning lazy? we can even get our asses off our couch to go to the library and actually meet new people. with the Nook it makes it another excuses for people not to leave their houses, which means that people are going to see some weight changes...........
Is our world turning into some type of terminator movie, where everything is controlled by technology. well i know a bunch of you guys saw terminator and you saw how it ended right. i think somethings should stay old fashioned, i know it would be easier but i don't think we should be wasting money producing crap like the Nook.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


it's gonna be one hell of a fight. Two of the greatest boxers in history going head to head to see who will be number one. In my opinion Manny is a great fighter but Mayweather is just smarter than him. Manny knows it him self otherwise what took him soo long to agree to the fight....ummmm maybe he doesn't want to disappoint his country and i respect that, but he better not come without his A game. Floyd is coming out of retirement not just to shut up Pacquiao but to quit all the voices saying that he is Scared. Also this is gonna be one of the Pay-per-views that make it in history because this is a fight that nobody can miss. The money is gonna be lovely for the two boxers.

I got a video entry on my opinion about the fight click it and comment!!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Allen Iverson... one of the greatest guards to play the game of basketball, is considering retirement. I thought i should write on this because I don't think that's the Right decision, we all know that Allen Iverson has a couple of more years in the game..... at least to win a CHAMPIONSHIP. Yeah he's retiring with out ever feeling what it means to be a champion. I could understand why he is thinking bout retiring, you don't know let me tell you what happened...Allen Iverson was at his peak when he played for Philadelphia 76ers, and he carried his team to the NBA FINALS 2001 but they lost. After that he got traded to the Denver nuggets where he teamed up with Carmelo Anthony, but this time Allen wasn't the star of the team anymore so we started seeing him get benched more often. Then he was traded to the Detroit Pistons, this is where things started to get crazy for the star when he suffered an injury, and after that he wasn't starting.

After all these trades i would want to retire too. i don't want to keep moving place to place because of work. Soon after he was traded to the Grizzles where he signed a one year contract, but now Allen Iverson is a Free Agent. The New york Knicks were very interested in the all-star, but after a weekend of thought they decided not to pick him up and their excuse is " if we draft Allen we would have to cut the playing time of our young stars". I think the Knicks need AI the way their playing this season they need the help.

It's a little strange how all of a sudden he wants to retire from the NBA. I think this another Publicity stunt too, because now that Allen Iverson wasn't a star player like he used to his star light has dimmed down ALOT, so I'm assuming that he just brought up retirement so he could get his name back on the Headlines. That's why I'm saying he will return back to the League and bust more Ass......

To see the story your self click the link and it should go to ESPN.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Back to the NBA we go and some new faces in some surprising cities. Shaquille O'Neal to the Cavs and Ron Artest to the Lakers. Shaq going to the Cavs makes their teams post game increase by a big margin, while having the leagues MVP lebron James by his side this makes Cleavland a problem in the east. The topic at hand is that this trend of teams is making Shaq look like a Team Hopper. Since his Kobe time Shaq has been looking for championship glory since leaving the Lakers, then he went to Miami where he teamed up with the leagues leading scorer Dwayne wade, and took the championship that following year.....but once they won that championship the Miami heat fell off. Shaq numbers dropped down, and he eventually looked like a bum and blamed it on his team again so he trades again to the suns. Now look at Shaq joining up with a team that was almost undefeated at home and a playoff competitor, also a team that has one of the leagues most prestigious players Lebron James. To me it looks like Shaq will go where ever he sees a Championship team or a player than can bring him one. This goes for the Ron Artest as well. Ron just last season was about punch Kobe out in the playoffs, now their but buddies this year with both of them on the same team. i could understand Ron's perspective because he never won a championship, that's probably because Ron is always angry and wanna fight someone, since now he's on Kobe's team who is he gonna fight now...the next best player Lebron? If you ask me Lebron would serve him up in a fight, but that's a Whole different story. To rap this up if I'm on a team I'm not gonna trade because another team has a better roster, imma stick with my team and make them better than to be a BAND WAGON!


If you guys aren't aware of whats going on, the three Entertainers Plaxico Burress T.I. and Lil Wayne all have something in common, what is it? GUN charges and metal bars. Starting off with the super bowl champion plaxico Burress. If you didn't hear Plaxico burress was at a night club and accidentally shot himself in the leg with his own GUN, on some 8 mile sh*t. I know you probably saying What a "DUMB ASS" too.. but it didn't just end with a sore bullet hole it also came with some jail time tooo. New york state is cracking down on gun laws, especially if the gun isn't registered. According to the article "Plaxico Burress pleaded guilty to a weapons charge and agreed to a two-year prison term for accidentally shooting himself at a Manhattan nightclub". NEXT would be the KING of rap and the south Clifford Joseph Harris's T.I. everyone. If you didn't hear what happened The rapper was arrested in a parking lot where he was attempting to pick up machine guns and silencers his bodyguard had purchased for him. hey i mean if you listen to the mans music probably this isn't a shock to you, but because of him trying to get those guns as a convicted felon already, its illegal for him to have them, so again another one of my favorite Entertainers off to jail. According to this article "T.I. turned himself in Tuesday (May 26) at an Arkansas federal prison, where the rapper will begin serving a 366-day sentence stemming from his 2007 arrest for attempting to illegally attempting to purchase firearms in Atlanta." Last but not least the biggest rapper got caught slipping...who? Lil Wayne! Yep Lil Wayne, he was caught with a loaded 9mm on his tour bus 2 years ago. Today the rapper
pleaded guilty to felony gun possession charges, agreeing to spend a year behind bars as a result. Everybody loves Lil Wayne, we hear this man every where..Now image not hearing his voice on any new track for a year. Crazzy right. My point is really that the law is going hard on celebrities to show that their not above the law, that's madd Bullsh*t cut the some community service or something, but jail that's going a little too crazzy. The court system makes now sense anyway because how does T.I. goes to jail for a year for buying Multiple guns, and Weezy gets one year for just one gun, and Plaxico gets 2 years. Guess it pays off to be a rapper than an athlete huh! Stop sending people that keeps us entertain to jail!


The NBA starts Tonight! Back in full effect, the one sport that keeps half the world occupied with amazing high flying dunkers and long range jump shots. This season looks like its gonna be one of the most competitive seasons we had yet. Many trades and also alot of fresh legs from the draft class of 09. Some good players have been added on to some pretty decent rosters such as Shaquille O'neal being on the Cleavland Cavaliers, Vince Carter on the Orlando Magic, Rasheed Wallace to the Boston Celtics etc. I'm also expecting some exciting things from the young crew....sadd to say, if you didn't know already that Blake griffin will MISS his first 6 weeks of the season..DAMN!!!! Another First pick hurt before the season again is crazzy, if i was team owner I'll be going insane. The numbers that Blake Griffin was projecting from preseason made him a great add on to the clippers..too badd those numbers don't mean anything if you can't play. Of course the Champs(LAKERS) are coming back with the noise with their new addition of Ron Artest on the squad, makes the Lakers a POWER HOUSE team in the west. The season opener is crazy with Boston Celtics playing the Cleavland Cavaliers especially after that preseason game when a fight was going to break out between Mo Williams and Sheldon brown. That's a game i want to see, other games that are airing tonight Dallas vs Washington, Lakers vs Clippers, and Houston vs Portland. The season gets crazzyy, NBA Blogging all day!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chris Breezy!!!!!!!!! Is he back on America's good or BAD side?

Chris brown as we all know has been through it all for the assault on his Ex- girlfriend Rhianna. his been on many talk shows discussing the incident of the night, one show especially that many people tuned into was the OPRAH show. Now finally Chris Brown looks like he's making his way back into the music game...........Is it tooo Early for him to be making this come back? I think not! I know there are still many people who feel hatred towards Chris, but don't you think he's been through enough already? All of these interviews discussing about the night of the problem, making him look like he killed someone or something...I'm just saying now that Chris got a couples new songs and is going to perform Live at the POWERHOUSE concert does this mean we forgive forget and just start loving his music again? I could say that before the whole scandal happened I bump Chris brown in my car, and just because he hit Rhianna doesn't mean imma stop listening to his music. i think we should give the guy a break and let him do what he loves to do which is in entertain his fans. Chris is already picking up garbage why are we still making him feel like garbage. I think this was a perfect time for him to come back especially with the line-up he has at the powerhouse he can't fail headlining the whole event, that was a smart marketing strategy.

Friday, October 23, 2009


If you don't know the story already.... Magic Johnson (former NBA player for the Los Angeles Lakers) and Isiah Thomas ( former NBA player for the Detroit Pistons) have been fighting due to the fact that Magic wrote in his book that Isiah was saying that Magic got HIV from a GAY GUY when he was diagnosed with HIV in 1991. Magic and Isiah close friends throughout their careers, two dudes who kissed on the cheek as a friendly gesture, why the hell would you go around asking is your best friend GAY. That's some F**ked up s**
Magic had every right to expose that fake homie to the WORLD in his book.
Of course Isiah tried to say some soft shit about his family problems.....about his brother having the same disease, sorry for you but you don't go around spreading things that your friend is gay. Then the story continues by bringing up why Isiah is crying about why he didn't make the Olympic team in 1992. Magic basically said that nobody was to blame for him not playing but himself, NOBODY wanted to play with him and he blamed MICHEAL JORDAN all these year boohoo get a tissue u phoney.....i think Isiah was getting jealous honestly.
On the other hand im a little curious because if Magic knew all these years what Isiah was spreading, why continue to be friends with him. This news could just be for Magic's new book " When the game was Ours" to sell more copies. If I knew someone was spreading something around that wasn't true about me WE GOT PROBLEMS. Not Even Isiah knew bout according to his statement which stated that " I'm really hurt and I really feel taken advantage of all these years. I'm totally blindsided by this. Every time I've seen Magic he has been friendly with me. We would go out to dinner in New York. I didn't know he felt this way." That's what Thomas said to about the whole scandal. On the other hand Magic if you are using this to make the book hot and make more money, you are a smart man.......Exploit the Hater and make your money brother..
If you tryna see the video click this link, and you can see the story for yourself.


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